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US and Congo Partner to Diversify Cobalt, Copper Supply Chains

Strategic Dialogues Aim to Lessen Dependence on China's Mineral Dominance

by Ikeoluwa Ogungbangbe

In a strategic move to counterbalance China’s growing influence in Africa’s mineral-rich landscape, the United States is stepping up its dialogue with the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) state mining company, Gecamines. This effort, spearheaded by senior officials from the US State Department, underscores Washington’s intent to forge stronger ties with essential cobalt and copper suppliers across the African continent.

Strategic Minerals Dialogue
Under Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, representing the US State Department’s economic growth, energy, and environment sector, revealed in a recent interview that the US has been in regular contact with Gecamines. The discussions, occurring every four to six weeks, primarily focus on supply agreements and the exploration of new mining projects. This ongoing dialogue is part of a broader strategy to ensure a stable and diversified supply of critical minerals necessary for the burgeoning electric vehicle (EV) and electronics industries.

A Counterbalance to Chinese Investment
The US’s engagement comes against the backdrop of China’s aggressive investment strategy in Africa, particularly in countries like Congo and Zambia, which are endowed with significant reserves of cobalt and copper. These minerals are pivotal for the manufacturing of EVs and a wide array of electronic devices. Washington’s concern over Beijing’s expanding footprint has prompted efforts to deepen relationships with key African nations, aiming to secure these vital resources.

The Mineral Security Partnership Initiative
A tangible outcome of these efforts is the Mineral Security Partnership (MSP), an alliance encompassing over a dozen countries and the European Union, focused on fostering a resilient global supply chain for critical minerals. A notable achievement of this partnership was the announcement of a collaboration between Gecamines, Japan’s JOGMEC, and the MSP in February, a direct result of the ongoing US-Congo dialogues.

Diversifying Supply Chains
Fernandez emphasized the importance of diversifying supply sources, critiquing the dependency on a single supplier as risky. He also highlighted the desire of host countries to move away from investment models characterized by imported labor forces and environmental neglect—a reference to the practices often associated with Chinese investments.

While Fernandez remained tight-lipped about specific dealings, such as the US government’s interest in Canadian mining firm First Quantum’s assets in Zambia, he affirmed the US’s commitment to working with Zambia and Congo to enhance mining and regulatory frameworks.

Beyond Countering China
The US’s engagements in Africa extend beyond merely offsetting China’s influence in the critical mineral sector. Washington aims to diversify its supply chains and encourage African nations to elevate their mining standards. This approach is reflective of a strategic shift towards ensuring supply chain resilience, environmental responsibility, and economic growth for both the US and its African partners.

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