Home » UMS Highlights Advanced Engineering Across Mining Spectrum

UMS Highlights Advanced Engineering Across Mining Spectrum

by Adenike Adeodun

United Mining Services (UMS) Group, renowned for its multidisciplinary approach to underground mining and metallurgical processing, is making waves in the industry. Leveraging 60 years of unparalleled experience, the company consistently offers clients holistic, economical, and innovative solutions. 

According to a report by Mining Review, UMS Group has amassed a treasure trove of knowledge since its inception, successfully executing over 250 global mining and shaft projects. With a staggering record of sinking 170 km of vertical shafts and more than 35 km of incline and decline shafts, the company’s stature in the mining domain is indisputable. UMS Group’s adaptability and prowess enable it to seamlessly handle projects of any magnitude, from conception to commissioning.

UMS Group’s success formula involves synergizing its multidisciplinary businesses. The company integrates the vast engineering and consultancy capabilities from UMS engineering and UMS contracting divisions. This cohesive approach amplifies the effectiveness of client technical teams, addressing both short-term and long-term project demands.

UMS Group’s ability to synchronize early engineering and procurement processes trims down waiting periods on items with extended lead times.

COO Robert Hull emphasizes the company’s client-focused strategy. “Our strength lies in our collaborative approach with clients,” Hull remarks. “By actively engaging throughout a project’s life cycle, from its nascence to equipment provision and finally commissioning, UMS successfully narrows the gap to initial production.”

Echoing Hull’s sentiments, Group Executive Technical Director Murray Macnab elaborates on UMS’s distinct skillset. “Our end-to-end capabilities, ranging from engineering and design to costing and scheduling, originate from a genuine contractor’s perspective. This ensures a smooth transition between project phases, optimizing cost, timeline accuracy, and minimizing client risks.”

UMS Group’s Strategic Investments

Keen to deliver comprehensive services, UMS has channeled significant resources into amassing an extensive range of equipment. This proactive strategy ensures that the necessary machinery is readily available for immediate deployment during projects, providing clients with a competitive edge. This on-demand availability slashes project expenses and expedites execution timelines, propelling clients swiftly towards mining production.

Macnab highlights the equipment strategy: “Clients are witnessing firsthand the advantages of incorporating refurbished machines. Opting for these can yield substantial savings and potentially cut down equipment lead times by two years.”

Embracing the Digital Revolution in Mining 

UMS hasn’t stopped at just machinery. They have ventured into the technological realm by forging a partnership with digital powerhouse 1 Worx, known for its prowess in IIOT and AR. This collaboration birthed UMS 1Worx, an entity dedicated to integrating state-of-the-art technology into every stage of mining operations. This evolution epitomizes a significant paradigm shift in the mining sector.

The intelligence encapsulated in operations such as shaft sinking is revolutionary. UMS 1Worx is ushering in the era of the ‘Smart Mine,’ a concept that promises to redefine the dynamics of the mining industry.

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