Home » Unregulated Mining Endangers Zimbabwe’s Schools

Unregulated Mining Endangers Zimbabwe’s Schools

by Adenike Adeodun

Recent reports have raised alarms about the negative impact of lithium mining activities near Sandawana Primary School in Zimbabwe’s Midlands province. This situation, highlighted in a recent NewsDay story, points to a growing health crisis as dust clouds cover the area. The Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (Artuz) reports that teachers and learners are leaving the school due to mining operations. Artuz criticizes the government for prioritizing profits over the well-being of students and teachers, despite their attempts to engage with authorities.

This isn’t an isolated incident. Earlier this year, mining activities led to a classroom block collapsing at Globe and Phoenix Primary School in Kwekwe, also in the Midlands. Mining is affecting schools, infrastructure, and land nationwide as the pursuit of wealth trumps responsible practices.

According to a report by Newsday, the government’s inaction in the face of these threats raises serious concerns. It seems to overlook the impact on educational institutions, potentially prioritizing mining profits. Questions arise about the enforcement of mining regulations, especially when operations occur near or under schools. The police’s reluctance to intervene in illegal mining activities further exacerbates the situation.

We urge the Zimbabwe Republic Police to take swift action to restore order. The gold and lithium mining craze threatens to create chaos if unchecked.

The situation under Kwekwe city, where Globe and Phoenix Primary School are located, is particularly worrying. Without intervention, Sandawana Primary School’s future is also at risk. We question whether an environmental impact assessment was conducted before mining commenced near Sandawana. There’s a concern that these activities are driven by profit without regard for consequences.

We call for the law to be enforced uniformly to prevent anarchy and disaster. Zimbabwe can’t afford to sacrifice crucial infrastructure like schools for short-term gains. While minerals are finite resources, the current trend of unrestricted mining activities could be the nation’s downfall.

The government and relevant authorities must act to protect these vital community assets, ensuring that mining does not irreparably harm the country’s future.

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