Home » China Squeezes Gallium Supply, Prices Soar

China Squeezes Gallium Supply, Prices Soar

Tech Industry Feels Pinch as Export Curbs Hit Key Material

by Victor Adetimilehin

The global technology industry is facing a major hurdle: a significant rise in gallium prices triggered by China’s recent export restrictions on the critical material. Gallium, a metal essential for a vast array of high-tech applications, is now experiencing a price surge, creating ripple effects across the entire supply chain. This situation highlights China’s dominance in gallium refining and raises concerns about potential long-term disruptions for tech manufacturers worldwide.

A Strategic Move with Global Consequences

China’s decision to tighten controls on gallium exports, implemented in 2023, is widely seen as a strategic move within the ongoing US-China trade war. Gallium, which refines a staggering 94% of the world’s supply according to EU figures, plays a crucial role in the production of semiconductors, radar devices, solar panels, and even smartphone screens. By restricting exports, China effectively holds significant leverage over the global tech industry.

The initial impact was immediate and severe. Gallium exports came to a complete standstill in August and September of 2023. While exports have resumed, volumes remain substantially lower compared to pre-restriction levels. This limited supply has caused a dramatic price increase. As of March 2024, gallium prices have more than doubled, with metal delivered to Rotterdam reaching a record high of $575 per kilogram – a staggering 100% increase.

Tech Manufacturers Feel the Pinch

The skyrocketing gallium prices are translating into higher production costs for a wide range of tech products. Semiconductor manufacturers, a cornerstone of the modern tech industry, are facing significant pressure. These tiny chips, present in everything from computers and smartphones to medical devices and automobiles, heavily rely on gallium during production. Similarly, manufacturers of radar systems, solar panels, and even the ubiquitous smartphone screens are feeling the pinch.

This situation underscores the vulnerability of the global tech industry to disruptions in the supply chain, particularly when a single nation dominates the production of a critical raw material. China’s control over gallium refining creates a potential chokehold, jeopardizing the smooth functioning of the tech industry worldwide.

The Quest for Alternatives: A Race Against Time

Western nations are now scrambling to find alternative sources of gallium and reduce their dependence on China. This includes exploring potential new suppliers, such as Russia and Australia, which possess smaller gallium reserves. However, ramping up production in these regions will take time, and it’s unlikely to fully compensate for the current shortfall in the near future.

Another strategy involves investing in research and development of substitutes for gallium. Scientists are exploring alternative materials that could potentially fulfill similar functions in various tech applications. However, developing and integrating these substitutes into existing production processes will be a complex and lengthy undertaking.

The current situation surrounding gallium highlights the need for a more diversified and resilient global supply chain for critical materials. Increased international cooperation and collaboration between governments, tech companies, and research institutions can play a vital role in achieving this goal.

Investing in alternative sources of gallium, fostering innovation in substitute materials, and establishing strategic stockpiles are all crucial steps towards mitigating the risks associated with overdependence on a single supplier.

Beyond the Gallium Squeeze: A Broader Lesson

The gallium situation serves as a wake-up call for the global tech industry, urging a reassessment of supply chain vulnerabilities. While China’s dominance in gallium refining presents a current challenge, it also underscores the importance of diversification and strategic partnerships in securing the continued growth and stability of the tech sector. By fostering collaboration and proactively seeking alternative solutions, the industry can navigate these challenges and ensure a more secure future.

Source: Mining.com

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