Home » Pan African Resources Ramps Up Gold Production, Eyes Expansion

Pan African Resources Ramps Up Gold Production, Eyes Expansion

Company's operational upgrades and exploration efforts promise enhanced output and strategic growth amid industry challenges.

by Adenike Adeodun

Pan African Resources is charting a course for enhanced production and financial performance through strategic operational improvements and exploration initiatives. Cobus Loots, the CEO, highlighted the significant impact of continuous operations at Barberton Mines’ Fairview and Sheba Mines, with expectations of further production improvements following the optimization of underground infrastructure.

Despite facing geotechnical challenges at Consort Mine, the company remains optimistic, adopting a contractor operating model to navigate the complexities of the operation. Pan African Resources is also excited about the promising exploration results from Barberton’s orebodies, which have seen nearly 140 years of continuous mining, thanks to the employment of the latest geological software.

According to a report by Mining Review, the development of the 24, 25, and 26-level projects at Evander Mines is making steady progress, with operations at 24-level already compensating for the depletion of mining from the 8 Shaft’s pillar. Significant capital investments in this project are set to ensure an average annual production of 65,000 oz, reinforcing its position as one of Southern Africa’s most cost-efficient underground gold mines.

Furthermore, the company’s re-engagement with gold exploration activities in Sudan is yielding steady progress, with initial drill targets being prioritized following comprehensive mapping and sampling of shallow orebodies.

Looking ahead, Pan African Resources is focused on achieving its production guidance for the 2024 financial year and successfully commissioning the MTR project. This initiative is expected to propel the company into the next tier of global gold producers, underpinned by excellent safety, production, and financial performance during the reporting period.

Despite inflationary pressures, the company has managed to keep AISC in check, benefiting from increased gold production, a cost-conscious culture, and favorable US$/ZAR exchange rates. This financial prudence, a higher gold price, and improved production have significantly boosted cash generation, strengthening the company’s financial position.

The Group’s surface remining operations have also performed exceptionally well, contributing significantly to production, cash flows, and profits, with the BTRP operation standing out as one of the world’s lowest-cost gold producers.

As Pan African Resources moves forward, its focus on operational excellence, strategic exploration, and community development positions the company not only as a compelling investment opportunity but also as a key player in promoting economic growth and sustainability in the regions it operates.

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