Home » Harmony Gold Shines in Water Management, Earns ‘A’ from CDP

Harmony Gold Shines in Water Management, Earns ‘A’ from CDP

Setting the Gold Standard for Sustainable Water Use in Mining

by Oluwatosin Alabi

In a remarkable affirmation of its commitment to environmental stewardship, Harmony Gold Mining has once again secured an ‘A’ score from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) for its exemplary water management practices during the 2023 assessment period. This accolade places Harmony at the forefront of sustainable water use and conservation efforts in the mining sector.

The CDP, a prestigious global non-profit, spearheads the world’s most comprehensive environmental disclosure system for corporations and regions. Since its inception in 2000, the CDP has been instrumental in encouraging companies worldwide to step up their environmental accountability. By working closely with over 740 financial institutions managing assets in excess of $16 trillion, the CDP aims to mitigate environmental risks by promoting the disclosure of environmental impacts, encouraging the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, safeguarding water resources, and ensuring forest protection.

Peter Steenkamp, Harmony’s Chief Executive Officer, expressed his pride in receiving this distinguished honor. “We are thrilled to once again receive recognition for our efforts in water management. This accolade underscores our commitment to not only maintaining transparency but also taking decisive action towards sustainable water use,” he remarked. Harmony’s proactive risk management approach forms the backbone of its water conservation strategy, highlighting the company’s dedication to environmental sustainability.

Harmony has implemented several key initiatives aimed at optimizing water usage within its operations. These include the enhancement of water recycling processes, the reduction of potable water consumption, and effective management of water resources to ensure a stable supply. Such measures are integral to Harmony’s strategy to generate positive environmental and social impacts in the communities it serves.

As detailed in Harmony’s 2024 Water Management Factsheet, the company’s Water Management Strategy is built on the understanding that water is an indispensable resource for both mining and processing activities. Recognizing the challenges posed by water scarcity, particularly in regions where Harmony operates, the company has invested significantly in projects designed to improve water efficiency. The primary goal is to conserve water through enhanced reuse and recycling practices, ensuring the sustainable use of this vital resource.

“Our commitment to reducing potable water intake and increasing our water recycling ratio is a testament to our dedication to preserving our social license to operate. By prioritizing water conservation, we aim to safeguard this essential natural resource for future generations,” Harmony stated.

Harmony Gold’s continued excellence in water management and its commitment to environmental sustainability set a benchmark for the mining industry. The ‘A’ score from the CDP not only recognizes Harmony’s leadership in water management transparency and action but also highlights the company’s broader commitment to responsible environmental practices. As Harmony continues to lead by example, it paves the way for a more sustainable and environmentally conscious mining sector.

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