Home » Africa Targets Global Critical Mineral Demand for Development

Africa Targets Global Critical Mineral Demand for Development

by Adenike Adeodun

In a decisive move toward economic progress, African ministers have expressed collective intent to capitalize on the global shift to clean energy by enhancing local processing in the minerals sector. Their commitment emerged at the Critical Minerals Africa conference in Cape Town, emphasizing the need for value addition to drive job creation and industrial growth.

Mining Weekly reported that Monica Chang’anamuno, Malawi’s Mining Minister, underscored the urgency of breaking the cycle of exporting raw materials. She advocated for the manufacture of finished products within Africa. “We’ve missed numerous opportunities,” Chang’anamuno said. “It’s time for Africa to craft its narrative by developing products right here.” She highlighted Malawi’s readiness to join forces with neighboring countries, suggesting that metals extracted locally could feed into Tanzanian refineries, fostering regional synergy.

According to South Sudan’s Mines Minister, Martin Gama Abucha, job creation stands at the core of this initiative. “Our priority is adding value locally to provide employment for our citizens,” he emphasized.

Meanwhile, Tanzania is advancing its industrial capabilities. Deputy Minerals Minister Dr. Steven Kiruswa shared insights into several ongoing projects, including refineries for various metals. “Beyond our existing gold refinery, we’re establishing new facilities for nickel and graphite, leveraging our vast reserves,” Kiruswa reported. He stressed that these initiatives, still unfolding, hinge on robust partnerships to stimulate downstream sectors, encouraging finished goods manufacturing within Africa.

In a similar vein, Zimbabwe is positioning itself as a regional leader in lithium salt processing. Leon Godza, from Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Mines and Mining Development, referenced an ambitious industrial park project. “Slated for operation by 2025, our lithium plant will boast an annual capacity of 135,000 tons,” Godza revealed. The project, demanding an investment of $13 billion, encompasses power stations and several processing plants, promising a significant economic boost.

Godza acknowledged the practicalities of regional dynamics, noting that not every country will host its own facilities. “The way forward necessitates regional collaboration,” he asserted, championing a unified approach to harnessing Africa’s mineral wealth.

“Collaboration is the cornerstone of Africa’s future success in the critical minerals sector,” Godza concluded, envisioning a prosperous trajectory fueled by cooperative strategies across the continent.

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