Home » Manganese Battery Opportunity Boosted by US Grant to South32’s Hermosa Project

Manganese Battery Opportunity Boosted by US Grant to South32’s Hermosa Project

US grant propels manganese battery innovation at south32’s Hermosa project

by Motoni Olodun


  • South32’s Hermosa project receives a significant US grant to support manganese battery development.
  • The grant underscores the growing role of manganese in the green energy transition.
  • The Hermosa project is poised to strengthen the US supply chain for critical battery materials.

South32’s Hermosa project in Arizona has recently attracted much attention due to the large grant received from the United States government to further manganese for use in batteries.

The grant which is part of the Biden administration’s plan to acquire strategic and critical minerals for green energy technologies shows the rising significance of manganese in the energy transition process.

With the ever-increasing demand for batteries, the Hermosa project is poised to help create a better energy storage system.

Lithium and cobalt have dominated battery discourse, but manganese is quickly proving to be essential in the development of better and cheaper batteries.

The proposed Hermosa project hosts high-grade manganese resources that will help the US minimize dependence on imported manganese and enhance the country’s supply chain.

Hence, the role of manganese in batteries.

Manganese is already an important component in battery technology, and its importance is set to grow as the EV and energy storage industries look to improve their performance.

Manganese, unlike other metals like cobalt that are used in the battery, is more readily available, and the prices are relatively cheaper meaning that producers who want to cut costs while at the same time increasing the efficiency of the battery should consider using manganese.

The fact that the US government has recently granted money to South32’s Hermosa project shows that manganese will be incredibly important for the development of energy storage in the future.

As the focus of the world turns towards green energy the need for improved batteries and electrolytes especially for electric cars and energy storage is expected to increase. Manganese is critical in making the high-capacity, long-cycle-life batteries that will underpin this transition.

The proposal to support the us supply chain is as follows:

When funding the Hermosa project, the US government wants to contribute to the development of the internal production of strategic metals in the country and reduce dependence on imports.

This move is in line with other moves aimed at protecting the supply chain of materials required in the development of clean energy technologies. T

his grant will help advance the development of the Hermosa site, and enable South32 to rapidly increase production and satisfy the demand for manganese in the United States battery industry from a domestic source.

The Hermosa project has some of the largest manganese reserves in the country and will be a major supplier of battery materials to the US.

It also has the benefit of creating employment and the economy of the region therefore being of benefit to the project as well as to the environment.

A greener future with manganese

Manganese has found its way into batteries due to the need to fight emissions and decarbonize economies worldwide.

While nations across the globe strive to meet their climate targets, the demand for energy storage will continue to grow. Manganese-based batteries are set to become one of the leading solutions for energy storage and for the next generation of EVs.

According to South Africa’s Mining Weekly, the company’s Hermosa project is also going to contribute more to this market as it looks for ways of meeting the rising demand for clean energy.

The subject of the project, manganese production, contributes positively to the energy transition and improves the US’s standing in the global battery market.

However, the current problems associated with the cost and feasibility of the manganese-based battery technologies still seem to persist but the support from the US government appears to mean that this sector will be supported.

Through more capital and research, manganese has the potential to be a pillar of the battery sector and grow into a new-age metal.

Looking ahead: opportunities for growth

The grant given to the Hermosa project is just one instance to prove that the US government is focusing on the establishment of critical minerals.

The more such projects as Hermosa are developed, the more the US will be able to satisfy the growing need for battery materials and release pressure on foreign sources, thus boosting the local economy.

The success of the Hermosa project may also lead to more investment in manganese mining and battery technology creating new possibilities for expansion.

As an organisation with large manganese reserves, there is no doubt that South32 is well placed to take advantage of this momentum and be part of the solution to harnessing cleaner and more efficient energy.

Finally, the new US grant to South32’s Hermosa project is changing the nature of manganese in the battery industry.

The move to support the production of this essential mineral domestically is strategic to the future of energy security of the US and the development of new generation batteries for a cleaner tomorrow.

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