Home » CleanTech Lithium Successfully Produces High-Grade Lithium in Pilot Project

CleanTech Lithium Successfully Produces High-Grade Lithium in Pilot Project

DLE Pilot Plant Completes First Phase With Impressive Results

by Ikeoluwa Ogungbangbe

CleanTech Lithium’s stock shot up on Monday following the announcement of a noteworthy accomplishment by the Chile-based developer and explorer. The company’s direct lithium extraction (DLE) pilot plant in northern Chile has reached the end of its first production phase. Impressive recovery rates and high-grade lithium output accompanied this milestone, thrilling both industry analysts and investors.

There has not been a quiet moment at the DLE pilot facility since it opened in late March. The plant finished 14 production cycles in 384 hours. 88 cubic meters of eluate, or concentrated liquid solution, were produced as a result of these efforts. This volume, according to CleanTech, is nearly equal to one tonne of lithium carbonate, an essential ingredient in the manufacture of batteries.

The results have been promising. The DLE adsorbent achieved a lithium recovery rate of 95% from the brine, with an overall recovery rate of 88% when including both adsorption and desorption processes. These figures highlight the efficiency of the DLE technology in extracting lithium from brine.

Additionally, impurity rejection rates were notably high, resulting in a low-impurity eluate. This is crucial for the downstream conversion process, ensuring that the lithium produced is of battery-grade quality. Steve Kesler, CleanTech’s executive chairman, expressed his satisfaction with the results. “We are very pleased by these results as it shows we can produce battery-grade lithium with low impurities from our Laguna Verde brine project,” he said. His statement underscores the significance of the achievement not just for CleanTech but for the broader lithium industry.

The success of this new method of lithium mining is being closely watched by the global electric vehicle (EV) supply chain. Many see DLE as a revolutionary technology that could significantly boost production while minimizing environmental impact. Billions of dollars are being invested in what Goldman Sachs has termed a “potential game-changing technology,” likening its potential impact to that of shale in the oil industry.

Goldman Sachs estimates that if 20% to 40% of Latin America’s brine projects adopt DLE, the region’s lithium output could increase by about 35% by 2028. This would represent an 8% boost to the global supply, highlighting the technology’s potential to reshape the industry.

Chile plays a pivotal role in the global lithium market. As the world’s top copper producer and the second-largest producer of lithium, the country is central to the global transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies. Currently, Chile’s lithium output is dominated by two companies: Chilean firm SQM and US-based Albemarle. Both companies are exploring their own DLE technologies, with SQM already testing 12 different methods, two of which are in the pilot phase.

According to Chilean government projections, by 2030, the world’s lithium demand is expected to triple to 1.8 million tons. By then, the supply is predicted to have decreased to just 1.5 million tonnes, highlighting the critical need for improvements in lithium extraction technologies.

The stock market was immediately impacted by the announcement of CleanTech’s successful DLE pilot. After the news, CleanTech Lithium’s stock increased by over 10%. The stock was trading 8.5% higher at 23.04 pence a share by late afternoon in London. The company’s market valuation rose to £34 million ($44 million) as a result of this jump.

This achievement not only boosts CleanTech’s market position but also sets a precedent for the future of lithium extraction. The high recovery rates and low impurity levels achieved by the DLE pilot plant indicate a promising future for battery-grade lithium production. SEO Tags: CleanTech Lithium, DLE pilot plant, lithium production, battery-grade lithium, lithium extraction,


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