Home » Gov Abiodun Bans Ogun Traditional Rulers from Signing Land

Gov Abiodun Bans Ogun Traditional Rulers from Signing Land

Executive Order Aims to Enhance Transparency and Curb Land Disputes

by Motoni Olodun

Abeokuta, Nigeria – Ogun State Governor Dapo Abiodun has issued an executive order prohibiting traditional rulers in the state from signing memorandums of understanding (MoUs) related to land transactions. This decisive move aims to curb the misuse of authority and ensure proper land management in the state.

Governor Abiodun announced the order during a press briefing at the Governor’s Office in Abeokuta, emphasizing the importance of establishing a more transparent and regulated process for land dealings. “This executive order is a critical step towards safeguarding the interests of our citizens and ensuring that land transactions are conducted with the highest level of integrity,” Abiodun stated.

The new directive comes amid increasing concerns over land disputes and the alleged involvement of some traditional rulers in unauthorized land deals. By centralizing the authority for land transactions, the governor hopes to eliminate the inconsistencies and irregularities that have plagued the system.

Under the new order, all land-related MoUs must now be handled through the appropriate state government channels. This change is expected to streamline the process, reduce the potential for fraud, and protect communal lands from unauthorized sales. “We are putting in place measures to ensure that all land transactions are transparent, lawful, and in the best interest of the people of Ogun State,” the governor added.

The announcement has received mixed reactions from traditional rulers and community leaders. While some see it as a necessary step to prevent the exploitation of land resources, others believe it might undermine their traditional authority. However, Governor Abiodun reassured them that the measure is not intended to diminish their roles but to enhance accountability and fairness in land administration.

In his address, the governor highlighted past incidents where unauthorized land transactions led to conflicts and legal battles, negatively impacting the affected communities. “We cannot afford to continue on this path where the actions of a few compromise the welfare and development of our communities. This executive order is designed to bring order and fairness to our land management system,” he asserted.

To facilitate a smooth transition, the state government plans to set up a task force to oversee the implementation of the new directive. This task force will work closely with traditional rulers to ensure they understand the new procedures and comply with the regulations. Training programs and workshops will also be organized to educate stakeholders on the importance of the executive order and how to navigate the new system.

The Ogun State government also intends to digitize land records and transactions, making it easier to track and verify land ownership and agreements. This digital approach is expected to enhance transparency and reduce the chances of fraudulent activities.

Land experts and civil society groups have praised the executive order as a positive development for Ogun State. “This is a significant move towards improving land governance and protecting community interests. It will foster greater transparency and trust in the system,” commented Adeola Oyinlola, a land rights activist.

As Ogun State embarks on this new path, there is optimism that the executive order will bring much-needed reform to land management. Governor Abiodun’s administration remains committed to ensuring that land resources are managed responsibly and equitably, providing a foundation for sustainable development and growth in the state.

Source: vanguardngr.com

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