Home » Frontiers Healthcare Services’ Heroic Efforts in Halting Covid-19 Spread: Denounces Baseless Allegations

Frontiers Healthcare Services’ Heroic Efforts in Halting Covid-19 Spread: Denounces Baseless Allegations

by Ikeoluwa Ogungbangbe

Frontiers Healthcare Services (FHS) has issued a robust response to recent allegations surrounding its management of the Airport COVID-19 testing project. FHS vehemently rejects and debunks these unfounded claims, labeling them as a gross misrepresentation of the truth, evidently driven by individuals with political motives seeking to stir unwarranted controversy.

“FHS is committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, transparency, and integrity in all its operations. We believe in the pursuit of public welfare, and this is the overarching principle that guided our actions throughout the Airport COVID-19 testing project,” stated a FHS spokesman.

In an emphatic denial of these false allegations, FHS outlined its remarkable achievements during the project:

Halting Infection Transmission

FHS’s groundbreaking effort successfully interrupted infection transmission within the contract period, potentially saving countless lives in Ghana. Over 850,000 passengers underwent testing, with approximately 8,000 individuals testing positive for COVID-19. Without this testing, these passengers could have unwittingly spread the infection, causing significant harm.

Cost-Effective Solution

This innovative solution proved to be cost-effective, sparing travelers who tested positive substantial hotel charges that would have been incurred under previous quarantine measures.

Employment Opportunities

FHS’s initiative created over 800 jobs at a time when many were losing employment due to the pandemic’s impact. These opportunities extended to various sectors, including medical professionals and outsourced services, benefiting small and medium-sized enterprises.

Training and Skill Transfer

The project contributed to training and skill transfer in cutting-edge medical laboratory testing solutions, fostering the growth of the nation’s healthcare professionals.

FHS’s story goes beyond technological marvels; it’s a tale of benevolence that touched countless lives. FHS also demonstrated its commitment to society through various CSR initiatives:

Reduced Testing Fees

FHS significantly reduced COVID-19 testing fees to make it accessible and affordable for all.

Annual Conference Sponsorship

FHS generously sponsored an annual conference, promoting knowledge exchange and collaboration.

Complete Waivers

In specific cases, FHS offered complete waivers of testing fees, exemplifying its dedication to individuals in need.

Support for Ukraine Evacuees

FHS provided complete waivers of testing fees to Ukraine evacuees during crisis situations.

Support for Life-saving Heart Surgeries

FHS extended support for life-saving heart surgeries, offering hope to those battling health issues.

Free Tests for Children

FHS provided free testing for children, safeguarding the well-being of the youngest members of society.

FHS spokesman concluded, “We are undeterred by unsubstantiated controversies, and we remain committed to public health safety.”

The company’s concerted efforts during the global COVID-19 pandemic were vital and deeply appreciated by Ghanaians. Despite unwarranted controversies, their contributions to Ghana’s COVID-19 prevention measures and to preserving the nation’s health and well-being during challenging times remains invaluable. Their unwavering commitment and sacrifices stand as a testament to the resilience and spirit of our great nation.

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